
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Using Clues & Strengthening our Logical Thinking Skills

The Rotation B Day students were busy today. We worked in the Problem Solver program and today's strategy focused on making an organized list to solve mathematical problems. Next, the students worked in the Logic Links program. This is an individualized program that allows students to progress at their own pace as they strengthen and exercise their logical thinking skills. You will have a chance to see how they solve these logic problems at our Fall Open House next Tuesday evening. 

After lunch and recess, we discussed our SAGE Class Rules. 
  1. There is no such thing as a dumb question or answer.
  2. This is a safe place to try new things.
  3. It’s okay to say, “I don’t know.”
  4. If you don’t understand, ask.
  5. If you still don’t understand, ask again.
  6. Be respectful of other peoples’ feelings and ideas.
  7. It’s okay to disagree– try explaining your ideas.
  8. It’s okay to be yourself, originality is in!
  9. None of us are perfect.
  10. This is a safe place to make mistakes- jump in a give it a try!
I am confident the boys and girls will find success with these rules.

In the computer lab, the students had a chance to read and respond to the comments written by our Canadian Quadblogging partner. We have also gotten many comments posted from the partner schools/students from England and New Zealand.  

Next we learned the importance of having strong research skills.  We discussed and defined our 2nd grade Academic Vocabulary words: knowledge, comprehension, research and independent.  We are encouraging the boys and girls to be as independent as possible in their work.

We ended our day working at our individual Exploratory Centers.  Ask your child what he or she learned today.

Your children are looking forward to showing you around our SAGE classroom and telling you about their SAGE work this Tuesday evening.  I hope to see you all here.

Briarcliff Primary SAGE 
Fall Open House
in our SAGE Classroom 
from 6:00-7:00 PM 


  1. Sorry I could not come to open house I wish I could.


  2. Dear Orion,

    I'm sorry it didn't work out for your family to attend. It is really hard to make it to all of the places we want to be. I know my kids have to miss events when I am busy with my classroom responsibilities.

    I bet they will be excited to see your "Take a Closer Look at Me" poem. I will send them home before long.

    Do you have any fun plans for your weekend? It sounds like it is going to be a lot cooler by the weekend.

    Thanks for posting a comment Orion. Have a good weekend,

    Mrs. Koch

  3. Dear Audrey,

    I got your blog comment, but can't post it because we never use last names on our blog. I have made the corrections we discussed. Thanks so much and have a wonderful weekend!

    Mrs. Koch

  4. I am sorry i could not come to open house mrs.Koch.

  5. mrs.Koch I am at my grand parents house right now we are having 2 thanksgivings it is going to be awsome the second 1 is on saturday the first 1 is today of course.
    p.s. my mom makes me be Anonymous.

  6. Dear Audrey,

    Thank you for taking the time to post on our blog! You are doing a great job with your quality comments. Your mom is encouraging you to post anonymously. That is just what I ask all the students to do! Great job Mom!

    I know how busy families are. You do not need to apologize for missing Open House. I hope you were able to show your mom your writing projects and tell her about your SAGE work.

    It sounds like you had a fun and busy Thanksgiving! I was sick the entire break. We ended up staying home so we didn't pass our germs around to other family members. It was kind of a bummer to miss out on all the big family dinners, but it was also nice to have a quiet week with just my immediate family.
    Now we need to stay well so we can have those family gatherings for Christmas.

    Take care and I will see you this week!
    Mrs. Koch
