
Friday, November 16, 2012

Important Life Lessons

Monday, the students had a chance to try last week's hands-on problem a second time.   We usually do not have time to do this, but I wanted the students to recognize that they learn from their experiences and have the ability to improve with practice.  You would think they would know this and, in most situations, they do but most gifted children are not used to struggling or failing at a task.  When they face a new and very challenging problem they can't master on the first or second try, they want to quit.  They appear to only want to do tasks or activities where they are successful.  In reality, they are doubting their ability to overcome the obstacles.  They are afraid they can't or won't be successful.  They just haven't had enough experience with struggling, feeling frustrated and failing. This is where I see our children as "developmentally delayed." They are learning (hopefully) a crucial lesson other children learn between the ages of 3-5 years old.

For bright children, learning to be a "risk taker" and learning perseverance takes more than just practice.  They also need encouragement and support as they build their confidence and recognize they can find success on a task at which they once failed.  For most students, they need an opportunity to build success with increasingly more complicated challenges.  In the child's eyes, the more important the task- the more difficult it will be for him or her to accept the learning curve necessary for mastery.

In the computer lab, the boys and girls reviewed how to locate a document in their SAGE shared drive file.  They also reviewed how to format text for size, style, color, bold, Italics, underlining and to justify their text left, right and center within a  Microsoft Word document.  

This week, they learned to open Microsoft Power Point Presentation, save it in their SAGE- shared drive file, and to insert and move a text box. We also discussed the differences and similarities in the two programs.

After recess and lunch, the students had their second Spanish Lesson with Señora Gates.  They practiced greetings, introductions and discussed how the Spanish language uses masculine and feminine form nouns.

In the afternoon, the students worked at their individual Exploratory centers.  Ask your child about his/her progress.

Last week, as a part of our Affective Studies unit, we read The Popcorn Dragon, by Jane Thayer.  
Dexter was ordinarily a well-behaved young dragon.  You could hardly blame him for showing off when he suddenly found that he could make clouds of smoke. The temptation is irresistible, but Dexter's bragging quickly becomes a problem.  First he watches his own reflection in the river in order to admire the smoke. Then he puffs it in the faces of his friends: the zebra, the giraffe, and the elephant. He even blows smoke rings around his own tail to prove how clever he is.

Soon Dexter has no friends left. He is a very lonely dragon indeed, until quite by accident he discovers a way his talent can be used to win back his playmates.

We had a great class discussion about bragging and how it is perceived by others.  Then a few students acted out a situation where they were bragging in front of their peers.  We discussed why we might want to share our accomplishments and the difference between bragging and showing our pride.  The students wrote about their feels and observations as the group witnessing our actors bragging.

This week, we discussed:

Pride” comes with an extra responsibility-
You need to think about the feelings of others.

When you accomplish something and you want to tell others about it, consider “why” you want to share it, -especially with people beyond your immediate family.
Is it to get others to pay more attention to you?
Or do you honestly just want to share the news?
Is the person you are telling someone you are sure will share your pride?

The students then made a list of the people that care about them and would be interested in celebrating their accomplishments with them.  This is another important lesson that can be difficult for young children to learn, but with support and practice, they will get there.

Have a great weekend!


  1. hi mrs.koch
    I had fun on Tuesday. I remember when we did towers. Are we doing that again? Or are we going to do something else? I just got a computer so now I can blog you! I am so EXCITED!


  2. Dear Maddison,

    I know you have wanted to have access to a computer at home for a long time. I am really happy for you. I will look forward to having you share your learning and knowledge here on our blog.

    I am so glad you enjoyed class this week! We will do hands-on problem solving again sometime later, but for now we really need to focus on research skills. There are a lot of skills I need you to have so you are ready to begin your independent animal research in January.

    It always feels like the school year really starts to fly now. Each week we will be busy and working hard. It isn't easy work, but it will be so worth it in the end!

    Take care and enjoy the weather this weekend. I'll see you next week!

    Mrs. Koch

  3. hi mrs.koch,
    I am relly excited for next week.Because we had fun last week so we will have fun this week.How are you doing?I am doing great!I bet we are doing somthing fun like always.See you next week.


  4. Hi Mrs.Koch,

    I study dogs in class. We all study differnt dogs. I study a dalmations. We all know lots about are dogs. Like i know that dalmations are relly hipper. See you next week. I can't wait. I did enjoy the nice weather this weekend, and I am so glad it is this nice out in December.


  5. Dear Maddison,

    I'm pleased to see you are taking some time to post comments. I love it that you are sharing your learning from your home school class! I think dogs would be a very popular topic to study. Dalmatians are really beautiful dogs, but they are too big for me. I think I like the small dog breeds.

    After researching dalmatians, do you think you would want to own one? What do you like best about them?

    See you this week!

    Mrs. Koch

  6. Hi Mrs.Koch,
    My mom and dad had a dalmation before.And i would like to own one.because when i looked them up and it says they are hyper like me.And that is cool.I also think i should get one because they can fetch.And my dogs cant do that.And that is a bummer for me.I really wish they coud.I have a miniture snozer.She is the only dog that listens.My other dog does not listen.


  7. Hi Mrs.Koch,
    Are we going to the library again?


  8. Hi Tina,

    I'm so glad you posted a comment on the blog. I guess I'm not sure what you're asking? A couple of weeks ago, we went to the library to practice locating books on the shelves by their call number. That is the only time we have been to Briarcliff's library. Are you wondering if we can go to the library to practice finding books again or are you wanting to see what books Briarcliff has?

    In January, after everyone chooses their endangered animal to research, we will be going to the library to search for books and to order books from other schools.

    Can you tell me more about what you are hoping we will do at the library?

    Have a good weekend Tina!

    Mrs. Koch

  9. Mrs.Koch
    I wonder can we read chapter book in Briacliff school?


  10. H Mrs.Koch Happy New Year!!!

  11. Hi Mrs.Koch!
    I'm on the computer Mrs.Koch.I'm doing my maths on the computer it's Fact Monster.


  12. For my birthday Mrs.Koch I'm going to go to Best Buy to get me a Ipad I'm so EXCITED! Mrs.Koch!!!

  13. Mrs.Koch I forgot to put my first name when I was typing :-)


  14. Hi Mrs. Koch I just saw your Padlet Tutorial it was good and I even saw your picture! I'm on my brother's computer but on my account. Sometimes when my brother is asleep sometimes I sneek in his room to play games and watch stuff on Youtube, I'm a sneeky little girl Mrs. Koch. I sometimes watch Monster High.

  15. Hi Mrs. Koch. I cant go to SAGE be'cuz my neighborhood has snow so yeah. What are you guys doing???


  16. Hi Mrs.Koch!!! I miss you guys! :-) ^_^

