
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Welcome Back to School!

Dear Boys and Girls,

I shared a podcast about my summer on the Primary Thinkers home page.
How was your summer?  Did you go anywhere special?  What was the best thing about this summer?

I hope a few of you will post a comment about your summer.

I am looking forward to seeing you all soon!

Mrs. Koch

P.S.  Remember, only sign your comments with your first name and never share any specific personal information about yourself, your family or any of your classmates.  You should have your parents look over your comment before publishing it.  Also, keep in mind your quality commenting skills or watch the video to refresh your memory:

Mrs. Yollis' video,  How to Compose a Quality Comment,


  1. i went to world`s of fun. love Orion

  2. Hi Orion,

    I am so glad you took the time to post a comment and share a little about your summer. Did you enjoy World's of Fun? My son loves to go there with his friends. I used to like going on the rides, but it isn't as much fun when you are an adult. I think getting dizzy bothers me more now. What is your favorite ride? Do you like fast or scary rides too?

    Mrs. Koch

  3. world`s of fun was great. i love scary rides. my favorite ride is the spinning dragon. love Orion

  4. Orion,

    You are doing a nice job on your comments. You have been keeping in mind our Internet safety rules and have included great information. I want you to try to remember to begin each sentence with a capital letter. Proper nouns like "World's of Fun" need capitals and the word "I" is always capitalized. I hope you will continue to find posts on our blog where you can share some of your ideas by commenting.

    You will be a great example to other students who being commenting here too.

    Have a fun weekend! Do you have any special plans?

    Mrs. Koch

  5. OK I will try to have better witting. My family is going to a wedding tomorrow.

  6. Orion,

    Have a nice time at the wedding and enjoy your weekend!

    Mrs. Koch

    P.S. Great job on your capital letters! :-)

  7. o and here is a code mwbrl more will be revealed later love:orion

  8. Hi Orion,

    You are very mysterious. You do have my curiosity up, but no more blogging for you this weekend. Go play. That is just as important!

    ---and remember your CAPITAL letters! :-)

    Mrs. Koch
