We started our day sharing something we did over break to "feed our soul;" for me it was painting. The kids shared about receiving special presents, enjoyed seeing cousins they don't get to see often and spent time with family and friends.
Next, we discussed the spectrum labels used to identify an animal species' status:
- extinct
- extinct in the wild
- critically endangered
- endangered
- threatened
- nearly threatened
- vulnerable
- least or lesser concern
The students were introduced to the North Kansas City Online Resources. In the computer lab, they worked to cross-reference our list of endangered animals to be sure we have a Seachasaurus article available for each animal species. The did a great job!
After lunch the students worked in their individual Exploratory areas. Ask your child about their progress.
Next, we discussed the importance of goal setting, how to make a specific, relevant and reasonable goals, and what we can do to achieve our goals. The students began this process by choosing an area of focus for a goal related to their SAGE work. In the weeks ahead, we will write and refine their goals and begin tracking their progress. Ask your child about his or her individual goal ideas.
We ended our day with our Spanish instruction with Senora Gates.
We ended our day with our Spanish instruction with Senora Gates.
Dear Mrs.Koch, I had allot of fun today at SAGE! I also learned allot in Spanish class today. Elsie